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Specifying platforms for per-test settings

Per-test overrides support filtering by platform. Either a Rust target triple or cfg() expression may be specified.

For example, with the following configuration:

platform = 'cfg(target_os = "linux")'
retries = 3

Test runs on Linux will have 3 retries.


While cross-compiling code, nextest's per-test overrides support filtering by either host or target platforms.

If platform is set to a string, then nextest will consider it to be the target filter. For example, if the following is specified:

platform = 'aarch64-apple-darwin'
slow-timeout = "120s"

Then test runs performed either natively on aarch64-apple-darwin, or while cross-compiling from some other operating system to aarch64-apple-darwin, will be marked slow after 120 seconds.

Filtering by both host and target


In addition to a plain string, platform can also be set to a map with host and target keys. While determining whether a particular override applies, nextest will apply both host and target filters (AND operation).

For example:

platform = { host = 'cfg(target_os = "macos")' }
retries = 1

platform = { host = 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu', target = 'cfg(windows)' }
threads-required = 2

With this configuration:

  • On macOS hosts (regardless of the target platform), tests will be retried once.
  • On x86_64 Linux hosts, while cross-compiling to Windows, tests will be marked as requiring two threads each.


Specifying platform as a string is equivalent to specifying it as a map with the target key.

Host tests

While cross-compiling code, some tests may need to be run on the host platform. (See the note about Filtering by build platform for more.)

For tests that run on the host platform, to figure out if an override applies nextest will compute the result of the target filter against the host platform. (If the host key is specified, it will be considered as well based on the AND semantics listed above.)

This behavior is similar to that of target runners.